Community Services

  • About

    We aim to enhance the quality of life for our community by providing comprehensive support services, fostering connections, and empowering individuals through innovative programs and strategic partnerships. We are dedicated to reducing communication barriers for individuals with impairments, offering essential social services, and promoting active community engagement and well-being.

Programs & Activities

  • Sunshine Music Salon

    When music enters the community, it becomes more than just entertainment; it becomes a way of communication and connection. As a community initiative of the YURISE Foundation, Sunshine Music Salon is dedicated to engaging with the community, invigorating music culture, and popularizing music education. At the same time, it provides a platform for music experts and enthusiasts in Houston to exchange ideas.

  • Technology Assistance & Aids

    We became a certified vendor for the HHS STAP program, enabling us to assist people with visual and hearing impairments and individuals with special needs to apply for free electronic aids, including phones, mobile phones, and tablets.

  • Scholarships

    YURISE initiated its first scholarship program in 2023 to promote education excellence. It provides $2000 to 10 students every year who have remarkable achievements in academics, leadership, extracurricular activities, and community services.

Community Highlights

Sunshine Music Salon Debuts First Charity Concert on Mother's Day

May 12, 2024

  • Yu Bin and Dr. Xu's Welcome Remarks

    “This public charity event is the results from collaborated efforts and love from all community parts. t I am grateful to the musicians and music lovers from Greater Houston who have prepared and presented a high-level performance for everyone. This music salon not only curated songs dedicated to mothers but also sincere letters written for and about mothers, which brought tears to my eyes. “ — Bin Yu, Chairman of YURISE Foundation

  • "Mermories"

    Peter Vaysburg from Ukraine performed a piano solo of the classic piece "Memories," which has a poignant story behind it. The swirling, undulating melodies he played made it seem as if one were listening to notes from his distant homeland of Ukraine, narrating the current turmoil and helplessness while also longing for the beauty of past memories depicted in the piece.

  • 100+ People Showed Up to the Event

    This Performance featured a wide variety of programs; Juanjuan Xu and the Students from Houston's Shanxue Chinese School Delivered poetry recitations and a male trios performance, all of which received high praises and were well-received.

  • The Magnolia Blosson Group

    The Magnolia Blossom Group (玉兰花开组合)performed 'A Great River,' arranged and orchestrated by Musician Jiajin Ji. The audience felt that this beloved and familiar musical piece never fades and gains new colors as time passes, earning rounds of applause from everyone.