
As part of the foundation's long-term community-building initiative, we are excited to announce the official launch of the Sunshine Music Salon program. In collaboration with Houston's music professionals and enthusiasts, we presented the first heartwarming charity performance themed around Mother's Day to the Asian community.

Through this initiative, the foundation aims to:


Establish a classical music platform for professionals and enthusiasts to foster talent development and collaboration.


Promote music education and cultural heritage in the Asian Community.


Increase Asian cultural awareness through partnerships with mainstream orchestras, symphonies, and opera.

Meet the Committee Members

  • 季家锦老师 Mr. Jiajin Ji

    历任美国艾丽芙乐团指挥 Former Conductor of the American Aleph Orchestra

    北美华人原创音乐家协会副主席 Vice president of the North American Chinese Original Musicians Association

    休斯顿季家锦小提琴音乐学校校长. Principal of the Jiajin Ji Violin Music School in Houston

  • 徐慧萍医生 Dr. Huiping Xu

    前贝勒医学院助理教授 Assistant professor at Baylor College of Medicine

    二胡演奏家 Erhu Player

    大提琴家 Cello Player

  • 思扬博士

    休斯顿音乐沙龙成员 Houston Music Salon Member

    歌唱爱好者/男高音. Singing Enthusiast/Tenor