Special Needs Support

  • The Need.

    In Houston, approximately 12.6% of the population has a disability, highlighting the urgent need for specialized services. While many organizations provide support, a significant gap remains for Houston's Asian community, which makes up over 7% of the city's population. Language and cultural barriers, coupled with the complexity of welfare policies and the confusing nature of accessing these services, prevent many Asian families, especially recent immigrants, from utilizing these resources and getting essential support.

  • Our Approach.

    Our non-profit organization aims to address these challenges by offering monthly information-sharing sessions and family outing and activity days, providing the most up-to-date resources and emotional support for family members and parents. Additionally, we have established the Upward Choir to cultivate vocal skills and provide a channel for self-expression.

Programs & Activities

  • Monthly Information Sharing

    We update and facilitate information exchange with parents on the latest resources, services, and opportunities to keep families informed.

    Time: 10:00 AM First Friday of each month

  • Monthly Family Gatherings & Community Activities

    We prepare activities like outdoor barbecues and camping to establish a supportive community and allow caregivers to relax and recharge.

  • Upward Choir

    We organized a group to cultivate the creativity of individuals with special needs and enhance their motor skills and sense of achievement.

    Weekly practice is held every Sunday afternoon at 2:00 PM

Meet Our Special Needs Committee Members

  • Jenny Zheng

    Residence and Volunteer Support

  • Chaohua Yang

    Family Activities Support

  • Grace Kong

    Resources and Consultation Support

  • Xiaoping Lin

    Choir and Band Art Director

  • Zhuoxi Peng

    Family Activities, Resources and Consultation Support

  • Bin Yu

    Residence and Volunteer Support

  • Helen Wang

    Transition Support

  • Jenny Cheung

    Family Activities Support

  • Beige Chen

    Transition Support